Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Ok

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok that I am still apparently incapable of finding a sleep schedule that works for myself, husband, and the little girl currently kicking me in the ribs.  We will get it eventually.
It's ok that I'm thinking of making the guys eat leftovers tonight for dinner because well...I honestly don't feel like cooking...and I think we're out of chicken anyway.
It's ok that plans for my birthday are kind of crumbling down around me, it's only one day of my life...really...hmm...maybe mommy will surprise me with something fun and awesome?
It's ok that I still have not unloaded the wal-mart bags from my last TWO shopping trips that happened about 3 weeks ago.
It's ok that currently at 30 1/2 weeks into this pregnancy making the bed is becoming almost impossible, so it's just kind of like a big comfy nest right now but hey that fun right?
It's ok that the cookies I made last night required an entire cube of butter...they were amazing.
It's ok that husband is going to be gone all weekend, because I have a crap load of work to catch up on, and Christmas cartoons to go with it.
It's ok that grandpa is in the hospital again, because they're now going to correct this problem so it doesn't happen again.     

1 comment:

Meagan said...

I'm 33 weeks pregnant and SLEEPING in the bed is becoming an issue. So uncomfy with this belly! Hope the rest of yours goes wonderfully smooth. --

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