Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful (Day 6)

OK So I only missed one day and I guess today I'm caught up...score.  SUPER proud of myself for remembering today was an odd day and I've been having quite a bit of those lately.  I think I need to get my focus back where it should be, on the Lord I'm already letting stresses, worries, holiday stuff, and whatever else that for some reason I think is SUPER important get in the way of the one thing I've been pretty good at it.  Writing in my prayer journal and my morning or evening devotions.  On the upside I've pretty much gone to church every single sunday for the last like 3 or 4 months...that is amazing for me.  I've been really enjoying it and have actually started going to another smaller church one week of every month to and I'm kind of torn between churches right now.  But anyway back to being Thankful I have alot to be thankful for *seems to be a trend with me on these posts apparently before I started doing this I wasn't aware of all the stuff I am so blessed with! and by stuff i don't mean stuff I mean people, family, my relationship with the Lord, pretty much anything and everything in my like I'm incredibly lucky to have and need to be thankful for).  But on this particular day, this particular Sunday here a few bigger or more important things that have stuck out in my mind.

  1. Grace Fellowship Church
  2. The Prince of Egypt Soundtrack
  3. My regular Pastor caring enough to not completely stop his bible study just switch the days
  4. The internet getting fixed

1) so, Grace Fellowship Church.  Is this really small church in a really small town near where I live.  It starts at 11 and is over at 12.  We sing for 30minutes and have prayer praises and requests (thats how small it is everyone can literally go through their praises and requests) and then Pastor Walt preaches for 30minutes.  I've been driving by this church literally ALL my life.  Never really noticed it or given it another thought.  Until I went to the semi-life-changing Women's retreat back in September.  Then I met two women (because I'm super friendly and like making random friends) Myra and Susan.  I just randomly discovered they live only like 15 minutes from me!  And Myra is the pastor's wife at Grace Fellowship.  And Susan is just this incredibly sweet woman I bonded with!  I really loved meeting them and they got my address there and a week later I got an invitation to their church and decided what the heck I'll go!  And I really liked it and it meant so much to them that I came so now I go every couple weeks and I just really enjoy it.  And today when I left Frank, Susan's husband came and shook my hand and was just SO sincere about how nice it is that I keep coming back and they really want me to stay for the luncheon next time.  I don't know something about it really touched me.  It was so nice to feel so loved, it's not a big church only 10 or 12 people.  There is no church politics, no social club status.  It's just people honestly worshiping and praising the Lord some of them bravely in ways I wish I could!

This is my cousin Danielle and I outside of the Church with their sign this morning lol she came along with me!  She's the cute blonde I'm the obnoxiously tall slightly Cough*Much*Cough larger brunette looming over her in the back.

2) The Prince of Egypt Soundtrack...well I love all the songs and the movie but one always sticks out to me and ends up being put on repeat in face I'm listening to it right now it's called "Through Heavens Eyes" it's about looking at things through heaven's's just beautiful and puts things into perspective for me, here is the video for it from the movie!  Enjoy!

3) My Pastor is willing to change our sunday night bible study to wensday night so he can continue doing it and I honestly think it's because my dad is able to go finally and I'm going with him.  it's a big step for us lol, anyway this is Pastor Ron (he also married my husband and I that's whose hand he is shaking in this photo btw!) and I really appreciate him!  And really love him alot he's a great pastor!

4) ...The internet was finally FIXED.  Ugh that was annoying and random.  Then right when I was writing this it crapped out again I took a picture of the screen so everyone would know I did have my thankful day 6 post written!  Lol then it came back on!  So the little thing in this picture that looks like a computer screen with a paper clip on it?  Yeah that means the internet is finally working again.

...So those are just four things that really stuck out to me today!  What stuck out to you today?  Do you have more than one church you attend?  Do you go at all?  Or prefer to worship and praise at home or in a smaller group setting?  Does your internet ever drive you bonkers?!  Lol feel free to share please!

and remember,

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