Saturday, November 26, 2011

Prayers for my dad please!

So I'm asking prayers tonight for my daddy (I'm 21 but I don't care I'll always call him daddy) If you don't know I live on a ranch and this morning we were up and ready at 6 AM rounding up the cows to sell a few of them. After I did my part and helped get them in the barn I went home to make breakfast, my dad walked home an hour or two later he was covered in manure and hay and looked miserable and in pain! It turns out about 800 pounds of steer ran over him. His ribs are messed up and he's in a lot of pain. I'm scared and worried, I hate seeing my dad hurt (at 315 pounds and 6'4 not A lot hurts him) he may be going to the doctor Monday tonight is rough because he's so soar and bruised up. Please for him and our family (especially my mom) thank you!

So the I included a picture of my dad and I on Thursday (Thanksgiving AKA father-daughter trying to sneak into the ham early day) and then some pictures of the cows and ranch this morning, and my lovely doggy gwendolyn! She's my chubby lady :) and she was super helpful with the cows today so she deserved to be part of the blog ;) lol

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